PhD graduate student- mRNA Vaccines

SASKATOON, SK, CANADA .FULL-TIME . SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Description The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), Canada’s Centre for Pandemic Research, is a world leader in infectious disease research and vaccine development for humans and animals. Located at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, VIDO is home to one of the largest and most…

National Symposium of CRS Indian Chapter on “Computer Aided Drug Delivery”

National Symposium of CRS Indian Chapter on “Computer Aided Drug Delivery” Organized By : Datta Meghe College of Pharmacy, DMIMS University, Wardha The Controlled Release Society Indian Chapter National Symposium on “Computer Aided Drug Delivery” was successfully organized on 2nd July 2022 by Datta Meghe College of Pharmacy (DMCOP), DMIMS (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India. The conference…

One-Day National Webinar on “Nanotechnology in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges”

The one-day National Webinar on “Nanotechnology in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges was organized by Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University in association with Controlled Release Society Indian Chapter (CRSIC) on 28th October 2021. The webinar commenced with the inaugural function. Dr. Manjunath Ghate-Convener of the event and Director, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University,…

Programmes and events during 2021-22

April 2021 National University of Singapore (NUS) invited CRS IC to collaborate for the organization of the event – Explain My Research Late Prof. Rinti Banerjee, IIT Bombay was the Academic speaker in the Nanotechnology session   Prof. Sidhharth Jhunjhunwala, Asst. Professor, IISC, Bengaluru & Dr. Kannan Rangaramanujam, Center for Nanomedicine, Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns…

National Activities during 2020-21

Aug 2020 – Webinar by Dr. Yogeshwar Bachhav, Founder Director, Adex  Pharma & EC member of CRS IC spoke on a very interesting and highly  relevant Topic – “Oral Delivery of Biologics” Mr. Ajit Singh , Chairman,  Associated Capsules Group inaugurating CRS- IC website. Kindly visit our website : Website managed by: Novel Innovative…